The Adessive / Alalütlev
The Adessive/Alalütlev case represents "on something, at a place"
Add an l to the genitive form
[on whom?] | [on what?] | [where?] |
kellel? | millel? | kus? |
The following four nouns are declined in the Adessive/Alalütlevh case:
Book | Room | Bridge | Boat |
raamatul | toal | sillal | paadil |
The adessive case is used in various expressions of time, such as certain seasons, days, years, etc.
kevadel | in the spring |
It is also used to indicate a person who has or lacks something:
mul, sul, tal, meil, teil, nendel, neil.
Tal on suur äri. | He/She has a large store. |